What is TKD Kubz?

“Fantastic, one-of-a-kind programme for kids that teaches them essential life skills whilst keeping them smiling the whole time!”


Our TKD Kubz programme is a specially designed class for children aged between 4-7 years of age.

It is truly unique in the sense that it focuses on core life skills such as; Communication and Inspirational Discipline. Put simply, “Stop, Look and Listen”. This gives the children definite criteria on how to achieve their goals. Together with the parents and carers, as well as Nursery and School Teachers, we work as a team for the education and development of the Kubz.

Combining safe and exciting TKD skills, with fun drills and games that inspire great behaviour, with emphasis on the benefits to our Kubz in using our “calm” voices, (a dream for all Parents/Carers). Building great communication skills, with simple drills, like how looking at the person when speaking and listening massively increases your child’s confidence and self-esteem.
This most important of life-skills will open doors to opportunities of all kinds, as we all know good communication is key in helping us achieve our dreams!

Child Protection Against Adults – Strangers/ Non-Strangers alike.

  • Aggressive Children/Bullying of all ages, verbal and non-verbal.
  • Health and Fitness, the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
  • The benefits of working together, the fun of sharing.